Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Discrimination Race and United States - 1987 Words

Nicholas Blount Tapiarenà © MWF 1-1:50 April 26, 2013 English 100 Final Draft Assimilating vs. Recognizing Ethnic Diversity As children grow up, they become the person they turn out to be because of experiences and the culture and society they grew up in. Nations are affected in the same sense because the people living in a nation affect how the nation is influenced and builds its character. Discrimination has been around for too long and needs to be dealt with. This act is not right, God is the only one who should be judging anyone. A different skin tone or race should mean nothing, everyone should be treated equal. African Americans still to this day, receive employment discrimination. More companies prefer to hire White†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"No one talked about the concept of cultural diversity as a mosaic or as a tapestry of multi-colored threads that when woven together created a vibrantly rich and textured fabric. â€Å"Real Americans† were white. â€Å"(147) Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston gives her audience an eye opening account of ho w The United States, a country which prides itself on its diversity, is filled with prejudice and discrimination wherever immigrants are concerned. Jeanne is a beast, she didn’t let anyone stop her from achieving her goals â€Å"Not even when I was told I should not continue with journalism major at San Jose State because I was ‘Oriental’ and a female. There were no jobs in the field. So I changed my major to social welfare. And when I was told again by the head of Juvenile Probation Services that they could not hire me as a probation officer because the community was not ‘ready’ for ‘Orientals,’ I did not protest†. Dealing with the same discrimination in my life I can fully relate to Jeanne, there really is nothing you can do but chalk it up and move on with life. I have been discriminated against because of the color of my skin my whole life. Sometimes people just hate me for no reason. Growing up I wasn’t picked or didnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t get the rewards I deserved all because of my skin tone. Its not my fault that I put in the work to be the best that I can be and those who didn’t got the reward just because they were white. It is so hard to please theShow MoreRelatedRace Relations : A Resolved Issue?1644 Words   |  7 PagesGuyo Kotile Race Relations: A Resolved Issue? ENGL 1021-64 Prof. Larry Sklaney 3 Dec. 2013 Although the issue of race relations has died down since the civil rights movement, it is still present in politics and the work place today. Race relations works to better the rights of minority citizens and to lessen the gap between the races. 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People need to be informed on how it affects others, and how we could possibly stop discrimination all around. Children, teens, and even adults should not have to deal with such a matter of disrespect towards their race. This behavior is not how the United States should present themselves. According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of discrimination is the act of making or

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